New Hope
At Art + Casius we love to give back where we can and in 2021 we have partnered up with New Hope Cambodia by creating a range of New Hope prints where the profits go toward school funding.
New Hope Cambodia is located in Siem Reap city and provides free education and healthcare to children living in some of the city’s poorest areas, providing a glimmer of hope and opportunity for Cambodian youth to break the poverty cycle.
The school was founded in 2007 and since then has become an internationally recognised not-for-profit and supported by individuals and businesses worldwide.
Due to Covid-19, Cambodia’s tourism industry has been hit harder than most and so has the schools means of funding which relays heavily on tourism and foreign aid.
This year we will do what we can to help raise awareness for this great course, as well as offering support and donation platform.
To find out more about the school, or to offer a donation follow the link below.